Poker Tables:
7 Tables
Minimum Age:
billycanuck wrote a review about TI Poker Room in Las Vegas, NV

New location - looking forward to returning.

The new location by the sportsbook works well. The glass on one side keeps slot noise out in the well laid out room. Lots of room between tables. The TVs aren't as clear a picture as I've seen in other rooms ( or at home ) but I chalk that up to constantly being turned on.

Nothing I haven't seen before here.

An impressive roster here - a few cards that became the burn card but always quick at counting stacks and keeping the game/tourney going.

Andrea is one of the best in town!

Efficient, aware of table dynamics, friendly.


Promotions and Comps
Food and Drink

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Recent TI Poker Room Reviews

jb218 wrote a review about TI Poker Room in Las Vegas, NV

Quality Game

I stayed here in February 2014, and played 2 sessions. The room was somewhat small, but not too crowded so the size... Read More