Poker Tables:
7 Tables
Minimum Age:
Habby wrote a review about TI Poker Room in Las Vegas, NV

Nice quiet room

Nicely appointed room with TV's and decent chairs

I won the 50 dollar tourney the 1 time I was here. I saw the usual range of players from decent to brutal, everyone was friendly enough, no trash talking.

Dealers were great, very solid.

Service was a bit slow but she came around often enough and got the orders right.

Management was great, friendly and had all the right answers.

Promotions and Comps
Food and Drink

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Recent TI Poker Room Reviews

jb218 wrote a review about TI Poker Room in Las Vegas, NV

Quality Game

I stayed here in February 2014, and played 2 sessions. The room was somewhat small, but not too crowded so the size... Read More