Poker Tables:
7 Tables
Minimum Age:
billycanuck wrote a review about TI Poker Room in Las Vegas, NV

Two nights of tournaments - good time but no $$$

TI is a very good room for lots of reasons. It's clean, good sight angles to TVs and tourney screens, friendly staff and best of all it's away from the noise generated by slots and tables.

Encountered all types of players from a few trying their first time at a poker table to "seasoned" vets ( locals?)
Over half are tourists like me.

Solid and businesslike - all ran a good game and most bring some personality to the table which I enjoy.

I think one waitress is assigned to the room so whatever you're drinking comes quick and often.

Things were done with professionalism from sign up to dealing with table decisions.

I didn't acquire any but understand it's $2/hr.

Promotions and Comps
Food and Drink

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Recent TI Poker Room Reviews

jb218 wrote a review about TI Poker Room in Las Vegas, NV

Quality Game

I stayed here in February 2014, and played 2 sessions. The room was somewhat small, but not too crowded so the size... Read More