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allanb wrote a review about Fortune Poker Room in Renton, WA

setting the gold standard

Fortune poker has set the gold standard for poker players in the northwest
Having spoken with many players at the tables you hear nothing but positive comments as opposed to complaints from tribal casinos. many of the players drive several miles out of their way to play at fortune despite other establishments closer to them.

Floor persons: they are top notch, friendly,helpful for players asking for table changes and fair in their rulings.
They are so on top of their game that in many instances (due to video) while you are walking in the door they immediately have chips ready for you and take you to a table or have your name on the waiting list

Dealers: all are very friendly and are excellent at remembering your name.fortune maintains a crew of quality dealers that all have good character. They are the kind of people you would not mind having at a family dinner.
If any new hires don't cut it they are replaced quickly
Only the best survive and is the reason ALL dealers are excellent ( no exceptions)

Management: Mel,the general manager stays on top of everything, they are strict to enforce the no using of the f word, and keep the facility in top shape
They having cleaning people working around the clock to keep the bathrooms maintained and clean,sweeping the outside grounds and I have even seen them scrubbing the walls.
Fortune has the best promotions around and it was Mel's innovation that created the $499 second hi hand of the week promotion
He is always thinking of ways to improve even though they are by far the best around

Food: I hear nothing but raves about the food especially the ethnic cuisine. Being the fussy eater that I am they also have an extended menu of excellent American dishes. There is no greater deal or valuing town than
Fortune steak Monday (a 1lb. Bone in rib eye)
Taco Tuesday
Prime rib Wednesday (another huge portion)
The service is also fast and accurate

The only downside is their lack of parking, they try to alleviate this by making arrangements to park in nearby lots but many patrons do not want to walk that far to their vehicles
Knowing Mel, if there is a way to increase the parking he will figure it out

I realize this is a long piece on fortune poker but the last thing I would like to say is I hope this ownership group stays together for a long time because they know what they are doing
With the recent acquisitions of many establishments by maverick gaming I hope fortune poker does not become a takeover target.

Promotions and Comps
Food and Drink

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Recent Fortune Poker Room Reviews

Bodey wrote a review about Fortune Poker Room in Renton, WA


They don't allow the word @#$%. Staff is over zealous grumpy/over worked. Players are meh. Food is great. Speed... Read More