Poker Tables:
3 Tables
Minimum Age:
12Paws wrote a review about Hard Rock Las Vegas in Las Vegas, NV

A Beauty But Dissappointing

The actual Poker Room is a beauty - too bad didn't get to play in the actual room. Three tables between first registration desk and actual poker room. Positioned to attract attention with no regard to the player that has come to play in the new room. Tried to ignore the loud music from the hallway and the smoke from the Smoking Lounge located adjacent to this area.

Average tournament players.

When questioned about having to sit in entry area was told that management had instructed that. I was very disappointed. Guess if I am returning will go on a weekend when enough play to be able to actually play in the poker room itself.

There for tournament so can't say on comps. I was so upset about the table arrangement I didn't bother to check on high hand or jackpots. The only cash game going was 1/2 NL. Went early enough to be able to play one hour prior to tournament to get additional chips but no other games going.

Promotions and Comps
Food and Drink

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