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Pocol237 wrote a review about Hard Rock Tampa in Tampa, FL

Odd ruling

Got all in in a 4 way pot, dealer made sure everyone was all in, I got 700 behind, second biggest stack is 600 the rest is 200 and under. Board runs out and I scoop. The guy with 600 refuses to pay and claims he never called the all in. Dealer all of a sudden doesn't remember if the guy called or not, calls the floor explains the situation in a way that it sounds like the guy just called the 200. Floor rules in favor of the guy and I got angled for a couple of hundred bucks.

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Recent Hard Rock Tampa Reviews

Tthaas wrote a review about Hard Rock Tampa in Tampa, FL

Nice room

There's a game for pretty much every limit, and of pretty much every major variant of hold 'em there is (I didn't see... Read More

Dino555 wrote a review about Hard Rock Tampa in Tampa, FL


My first time here and I found it to be a nice experience The staff was friendly and helpful The room was clean... Read More