Poker Tables:
9 Tables
Minimum Age:
littlefish wrote a review about Luxor Casino in Las Vegas, NV

Great Time

The Luxor poker room was kept very clean, and you could tell that the staff all worked together to make sure the room stays looking nice.

I am not sure what makes a player tough to beat, but I have played very few times and I left up a few hundred dollars.

Most all of the dealers were very entertaining and were very helpful to make sure that I didn't make any big mistakes.

Cocktails were basically okay, but it did seem like some of the cocktail waitresses were unhappy with poker players. Crystal though was awesome, she was very friendly.

The managers of the room were also very entertaining, and friendly. It seemed like they really enjoyed their job and made me feel like a high stakes player. They did anything they could to make the players feel comfortable.

The comps from what I heard are not as good as other places, but I still had a great time.

Promotions and Comps
Food and Drink

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Recent Luxor Casino Reviews

diver wrote a review about Luxor Casino in Las Vegas, NV


New location for the room. Set up was excellent with high glass surrounding it to block out noise, yet allow for... Read More