Poker Tables:
9 Tables
Minimum Age:
RomanCandle wrote a review about Luxor Casino in Las Vegas, NV

Promos Make It Worthwhile

The Luxor Poker Room is alot like the Luxor Hotel: nothing special, but a good value.

Lots of promo chasers, which made for a slightly nitty game, but plenty of donkeys as well.

Friendly, funny, and competent. No complaints.

Not bad looking, reasonably fast service. Average.

This small room was run well, and management was friendly and helpful with me.

In lieu of freerolls, anybody who plays X number of hours splits between $1500 and $2000. If you're a tight grinder, it's usually worth putting in the hours.

Promotions and Comps
Food and Drink

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Recent Luxor Casino Reviews

diver wrote a review about Luxor Casino in Las Vegas, NV


New location for the room. Set up was excellent with high glass surrounding it to block out noise, yet allow for... Read More