Poker Tables:
9 Tables
Minimum Age:
redwhiteandblue wrote a review about Luxor Casino in Las Vegas, NV

Solid Room to hit

Yep, played in the pyramid! Glad there's a lot to do for the rest of the family because I got some good time at the tables and really enjoyed myself.

The room itself overall is very good. Seats and tables are in very good shape and comfortable. Decor is cool as well so no real issues there.

Staff was very good. They were quick to settle player disputes even though I think the dealers could have done a little better job keeping control. Very few mistakes but could have done some preventative management to not get the floor called. Was pretty happy with the servers as well. They did a very good job getting everyone what they wanted.

Players there were ok. It's a fair amount of tourists which you should expect at a place like this so it was up and down depending on who was at the table.

Nothing too exciting on comps. Pretty standard stuff.

It may not be one of the "featured" Vegas rooms but you'll be able to play there and enjoy yourself. Just don't let Criss Angel make your chips disappear!

Promotions and Comps
Food and Drink

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Recent Luxor Casino Reviews

diver wrote a review about Luxor Casino in Las Vegas, NV


New location for the room. Set up was excellent with high glass surrounding it to block out noise, yet allow for... Read More