Poker Tables:
9 Tables
Minimum Age:
kansaisupra wrote a review about Luxor Casino in Las Vegas, NV

Luxor Poker Review

Played here for about 60 hours since 2014. Some what of a part time reg in Vegas.


1) Rake:
Last time I was here, early August 2014, they dropped a $1 even if there was no flop. Ex. Folds to button, who raises $8. sb, bb fold, $1 taken from pot. Could be a jackpot thing. This is the only MGM property that does this.

2) Games:
Games dont run here very often. Not sure why but at most you have 2 (1/2) games running. Most of the day (early morning) games dont get running till like 12 pm.

3) Chargers:
No phone chargers at tables. Barely any outlets around the room.

1) Comp
I guess when you drop a $1 with no flop you better get $2 and hr.
From what I was told you can combine comps with Excalibur so you have "double the eating choices"

2) Promos:
Highest bad beat jackpot at MGM properties that I know of. Not my thing but since its usually just one table running, odds are pretty good.


1) Players:
I think generally speaking the players here are pretty bad and the games are generally soft.

Promotions and Comps
Food and Drink

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Recent Luxor Casino Reviews

diver wrote a review about Luxor Casino in Las Vegas, NV


New location for the room. Set up was excellent with high glass surrounding it to block out noise, yet allow for... Read More