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rsmiley wrote a review about Planet Hollywood in Las Vegas, NV

Phamous Goliath Review

This isn't about the regular poker room but about the tournaments going on for the Phamous Goliath Series. Played several of these tournaments from June 1st - June 4th including the two $160 25K GTD and the two $180 50K GTD. For the most part these tournaments were run well. The $160 began with 12K chips and the $180 began with 15K. The 160's both had 270 + entrants and the 180's both had 580+ entrants. Even tho the first level of these tournies were 50/100 the structure was still such that you got plenty of play. A few things of note. The re-entry of the tournies were up until the start of level 13 (1000/2000) so it gave players plenty of time to rebuy. Because these tournaments were going on at the same time as the WSOP and other special series in the first week of June there were a lot of dealers brought in and several of them were brand new. Although they were new there were no real issues at any of the tables that I played at, but their inexperience did show. A few things that were kinda disappointing. I had seen on a site that the tournament director himself said that beginning May 31st that registration would be open 24/7. I got there a little after 12 midnight on May 31st and registration was closed and was told that it would be open at 8:30 the next morning. I got there early the next morning. Registration did not open until around 9:30. Not a major issue but still ....... The other issue. In the one tournament that I made the money, when we got to the bubble , it took 15+ minutes and no fewer than 11 counts by different people to verify the bubble. Then after each hand played out it would take another several minutes for recounts. Need to work on a better way to do that. The other thing that wasn't so much as major issue but just @#$% poor by those in charge. We had a drink spilled on the table that I was at and the dealer tried to get the Floor to get some help. Can't remember the guys name that was in charge of the floor but his exact quote was "That's not my problem, I don't do that any more" He wouldn't even call cocktails or try to help in any way. Just walked away.

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Recent Planet Hollywood Reviews

luksuk wrote a review about Planet Hollywood in Las Vegas, NV


The PH Poker room should be renamed a Poker Area instead. Poker at PH can be found in a roped off area of the casino... Read More