Poker Tables:
9 Tables
Minimum Age:
bwdavid wrote a review about Luxor Casino in Las Vegas, NV


Poker room was small but good tourney

I placed 3rd in the tourney against some not so good players. You dont get a lot of chips, so you need to get your chip stack high early.

Had a couple of rude dealers who didnt speak English very well. I only remember 1 dealer that was actually good.

The beer was flowing and I give the waitresses 2 thumbs up. Great job.

The manager slacked a little bit when it came to raising the blinds, but not bad.

Didnt ask about the comps

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Food and Drink

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Recent Luxor Casino Reviews

diver wrote a review about Luxor Casino in Las Vegas, NV


New location for the room. Set up was excellent with high glass surrounding it to block out noise, yet allow for... Read More