Poker Tables:
5 Tables
Minimum Age:
StpMN wrote a review about O'Sheas in Las Vegas, NV

Absurd house cut ruins an otherwise enjoyable cardroom and casino

The tournament area was secluded, inviting and comfortable. The cash games area is right by the door, and seemed cramped and crowded.

Most of the competition consists of casual players who come primarily to have fun. My dad, who had never played casino poker previously, came here and won fifty dollars. Definitely beatable.

Like many small cardrooms, the dealers must be friendly to keep players returning. Most are outgoing and sociable, particularly the positively infectious Michelle.

Service roughly every hour.

The room is small, so the managers can and will certainly take time to chat or banter with customers. Two things however, did strike me the wrong way. Five minutes before or after a tournament started, the manager had to request/coerce players to move to a second table as opposed to drawing seating assignments. The house also takes an absurd 45% cut from the tournament pool and obscures this fact in their literature. I addressed a manager about this, but he simply stated the player pool payouts. There is simply no way to justify the house cut.

I never registered for a player's card.

Promotions and Comps
Food and Drink

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