Poker Tables:
5 Tables
Minimum Age:
BluffnWin wrote a review about O'Sheas in Las Vegas, NV

Easy pickings at $1/$2 NL

The view of the Vegas strip at O'Sheas is great; especially if you play in one of the outer tables near the street. Everyone is having a good time, and it feels like a bar from Cheers.

There are mostly drunks that play in the $1/$2 NL and spread limit $1-5 tables, so it's very profitable to play here, but it's difficult to find a seat. If you want to enjoy yourself and makes some money, O'Shea's the place to be in the morning hours.

The dealers were very competent and friendly...they answered all my questions, and were very professional in the way they handled the drunk and rowdy players.

Don't know

Don't know

Don't know.

Promotions and Comps
Food and Drink

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Recent O'Sheas Reviews

slightedge88 wrote a review about O'Sheas in Las Vegas, NV


Small tables(8 handed), they try and get 9 in there, no room. Chairs arent too bad. Lots of smoke, but right on the... Read More

aquaman wrote a review about O'Sheas in Las Vegas, NV

lots of drunk fun

Tournament room vas nice and closed off.Electronic screens, cash tables are right on the strip. Great view of outside... Read More

pbouley wrote a review about O'Sheas in Las Vegas, NV

1-5 spread party

Right in front by the strip. It's loud, cold (by the doors in Feb.), and awesome. The worst poker players I've ever... Read More