Poker Tables:
5 Tables
Minimum Age:
whitey07 wrote a review about O'Sheas in Las Vegas, NV

lots of fun - can't wait to go back

The poker area/room at O'Shea's is a great mixture of fun and descent poker. The tables are indeed just a few feet from the sidewalk which makes for great people watching. O'Shea's is a fun place in general with great music and a talented person of limited height who pulls people into the bar during the day. The quality of the poker is uneven but so what, everyone there had lots of fun:) If you are looking for fun and poker this is the place to be otherwise go to one of the fancy poker rooms and deal with the tense atmosphere and pre flop raising jerks. Also the game is 1/5 limit instead of no limit as the poster stated. Also the pots can be descent - a guy next to me won a grand in 4 hours

Some good and some bad - just like every other place in town plus the games where for the most part friendly and fun. Everyone got to play lots of hands and win some money

The dealers are all from the Flamingo so they know what they are doing for the most part. We did have one dealer who was new and made some mistakes but that was ok. The supervisor and the players kept a close on things so no big deal. The supervisor's name is Barry and he is a really good guy.

The front of the house only had one waitress so she was super busy plus something was wrong with the bar's coke/water dispensor system and everything that came out of it was foul tasting.

The poker supervisors where great - the games kept moving and everything was friendly. The one drunk idiot that sat down was quickly asked to leave after he made an @#$% out of himself.

The standard flamingo comps points and t-shirts - we are not talking about a lot of money at stake so don't except much in return.

Promotions and Comps
Food and Drink

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Recent O'Sheas Reviews

slightedge88 wrote a review about O'Sheas in Las Vegas, NV


Small tables(8 handed), they try and get 9 in there, no room. Chairs arent too bad. Lots of smoke, but right on the... Read More

aquaman wrote a review about O'Sheas in Las Vegas, NV

lots of drunk fun

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pbouley wrote a review about O'Sheas in Las Vegas, NV

1-5 spread party

Right in front by the strip. It's loud, cold (by the doors in Feb.), and awesome. The worst poker players I've ever... Read More