Poker Tables:
5 Tables
Minimum Age:
BeeDub55 wrote a review about O'Sheas in Las Vegas, NV

Favorite place to play is going away

The poker room is small with only a couple tables in the back. I never play there though, I always play out front on the tables near the strip. I like playing and watching all the freaks walking by. The tables are worn, but workable. At least they have cup holders in the rails. I love playing here because it is a friendly atmosphere and if you play there enough, you get to know the dealers and other regular players and it makes it the most enjoyable time playing cards. I'm really said though because they will be closing O'Sheas in about three months and I will have to find a new place to play on my next trip:(

I found the competition to be somewhat easy. Most of the tables had a mix of beginners and wannabes, with an occasional local. This is the place I make most of my money and if you are a patient person, you will win hands. I only played the $1-5 limit because the $1/2 NL was always full. I still made a decent amount and I played there over 30 hours during my entire trip.

I played a lot of hours and did not see one mistake. They have great dealers that are super friendly and make good conversation, while keeping the game going.

I give this an average rating because on two occassions we had to wait what seemed like forever to get our drinks. Other than those two instances, the waitress came around regularly and always had the drink orders correct.

Again, I give this an average because of one instance. On my last day I was playing at a table that had two open seats. I was told by a dealer that there was only one seat available so she put me in that seat. 30 minutes later this same dealer sat down at our table and was playing in the seat that I initially wanted, but she told me was taken. I come to figure out that she was on duty at the time, but was getting ready to be taken off duty because they were slow and didn't need her, but wouldn't let her go home. She knew this was going to happen and wanted that seat. So not only did she keep me from getting the seat I wanted, but she was playing in uniform and winning all the pots, including a high hand with quad 4s. Several people at the table were upset about this and ask management to put her back on duty or not allow her to play. He did neither and allowed her to keep playing. In my opinion, if a dealer is in uniform whether on or off duty, they should not be allowed to play. Management did not handle this situation well at all.

They accept the Total Rewards card at O'Sheas which is great since this is the place I played most of the time. I believe the comp rating on Total Rewards is $1 per hour which is the going rate in Vegas.

Promotions and Comps
Food and Drink

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