Table Mountain Casino

JustChiefin wrote a review about Table Mountain in Friant, CA


New poker room is terrible not only do they not have a cage anywhere close the floorman at the time Ronnie (also a dealer) was running things terribly. I was 5th on the "list" for no limit and my girlfriend was 4th for 2 4 . He was not paying attention to the two open seats right next to him at two different tables back to back. I went up and told them multiple times to call names off witch was ignored. Had to throw my girlfriend in the game because she was not willing to sit in one of the two clearly open seats unless called . By the time he started calling them off I had already sat down after a 3rd seat was racking up in the no limit game and NO ONE ELSE FROM THE LIST CAME. The service was terrible, dealers aside from him are great. Food is so bad I would recommend eating before or after your trip. NO SIGNAL I have AT&T and get signal almost everywhere use to in the old poker room but the new location gets no service what so ever. So it's nice of table mountain to stop supplying free WiFi and leave poker players in a big noisy terribly set up card room . If you're visiting definitely recommend the extra 25 min drive to Club one or 500 Club and playing at a proper card room with better variety of limits/games. Comps/jackpots are the worst I've ever seen. Wouldn't play at this casino if it wasn't my only option to play no limit without driving more than 1 hour 0/5 everything but dealers


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Announcements from Table Mountain Casino

TMC giving 75 cents in comp and 180 points per hour for live poker play. See Poker Supervisor for details.

Recent Table Mountain Reviews

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