Poker Tables:
6 Tables
Minimum Age:
biggsy1969 wrote a review about Bill's in Las Vegas, NV

three full tables of varying action

It's not really a room, but for what it is, i appreciate their efforts.

I'm no better than average so it's tough for me to say. i will say that no one at this table intimidated me.

Not a ton of personality, but no mistakes that I saw. They tried to learn names and tried to keep the drunks on task. i appreciate that a lot.

She came thru consistently and was fairly friendly. Older, but still attractive in a "Bill's" sort of way.

I was on a waiting list for about 15 minutes, but the manager was good about keeping me informed. Also, I had a few friends in the room and he was cool about letting me talk to them.

I forgot my card and when I asked if i could give him my ID for a new one, he said he didn't have any way to help me. That was a bit silly I thought.

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Recent Bill's Reviews

pbouley wrote a review about Bill's in Las Vegas, NV

Just OK

Very poor quality tables (and ugly). Mostly tourists looking to "try" poker. Did run into one major shark at the... Read More

Statto wrote a review about Bill's in Las Vegas, NV

Nice fun game

If you want a quiet, serious game dont play here. The tables are right near the entrance and the slot noise is quite... Read More